Tonight, I sat down at the dinner table with my guest from Holland. I observed Simone using a fork and knife to eat her pizza. That’s like a cardinal sin in a half-Italian household but the norm for Simone.

No matter if you use a fork & knife or simply fold it in half and eat it with your hands, the end result is exactly the same. Satisfied taste butts and a sense of fulfillment.

Is our way any better than their way? How many times have you seen somebody doing something different from the way you would do it but end up with the same quality results.

As a POSITUDE leaders, we should encourage acceptance of diversity and actually encourage it to promote creativity.

From diversity we learn much. Our patients will be better served when someone approaches a problem with their style of compassion, empathy and tolerance. We should learn different approaches of communicating with our patients. Different strokes for different folks.

As long as we keep SAFETY & QUALITY front and center in all we do, diversification will only enhance our abilities to improve our patients experiences.


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