Are you Pithy enough?

Are you Pithy enough?

Are you prepared to tell your story? You never know when that moment arrives, often with little notice if any at all. Right now, right here is your opportunity to address an individual or a room full of people. Are you ready to be Pithy?

When that moment arrives, you want to be ready. Ready to tell your story, define that problem or present that elusive solution.

Let’s see if you are ready for that moment. Go to the nearest mirror and tell yourself in 30-seconds or less what someone should know about you. Sell yourself with passion and precision.

How did you fare? Likely not as well as you had hoped for. Don’t panic, most are in the same boat. Its not a failure but an opportunity to work a bit harder on developing your message.

Like all great messages, it should have a start, middle and a strong finish. More importantly it should be delivered with confidence, passion and the right amount of Pithy!

Crisp , to the point, memorable, impact-full, consequential and  precise are attributes of an awesome 30-second elevator speech. Practice makes perfect.

Being told that you were Pithy during a presentation is actually a compliment….who knew!


The Power of Anticipation!

The Power of Anticipation!

Sitting in anticipation is like sitting on needles… you can’t sit still, you are nervous and full of anxiety. Strangely enough, it is the same feeling for both an anticipated positive or negative experience. It plays with the fringes of your nerve endings that either end up with a dopamine rush (happy receptor sites in the brain) or shear disappointment and sadness.

Since my cup is always half full, let’s explore the positives of anticipation!

If you know there’s a reward at the end of the rainbow which you hold dear to your heart, one will work twice as hard to get that win. Willing to go the extra mile and leave no stone upturned to get to that finish line.

A reward can only be valued by the receiver to have its fullest effect. Therefor, it is of utmost important in your work group to identify individual intrinsic drivers to select the right reward or winning feeling for each individual. Failure to select what they find most valuable is a failure in leadership on your part. This is not the time to assume if you desire the full benefit.

Once you have selected the right reward and define a crystal clear expectation using your SMART goals, now it’s time to sit back to watch the magic of anticipation. Your staffers will work with nervous anticipation with a belly full of fire knowing that at the end the process there will be something of value albeit additional responsibility, a promotion, a monetary bonus or time with a loved one.

If you play this right, you can take full advantage of the adrenaline surge that comes along with anticipation.


Promoted…..Now What?

Promoted…..Now What?

I earned it, I worked hard, out performed others and never said no to any opportunity that presented itself. Finally the opportunity to move up, I get to manage people not just processes. I think I’m ready, I knew what to say in my interview but now what? I’m just a bit scared and not so confident that I can manage and lead instead of doing it just myself!

These are very typical feelings although rarely expressed by these alpha driven personalities whom are promoted from doers to managers or leaders. However, it is a real feeling and a true concern. A stress that should be eliminated by acknowledging this phenomenon and supporting transitioning staff into their new roles.

As a positude leader, now is your time to rise to the occasion and be the consummate supporter especially through the first six months. Establish a broad, strong and durable foundation from which managerial and leadership skills can be build. Encourage your staff to participate in leadership development courses and find a mentor that can provide guidance and insight different from that of a boss.

Their success is going to be your success, make time for them, guide them, shape them, nurture them, empower them and allow them to explore in a safe environment. Often, you will need to hold them back from running too fast or doing things themselves. As high performers in their previous roles, they will likely want the same in their new role but might not have the skill set to perform. This ultimately can lead to failure and is the definition of the “Peter Principle”.

Be aware and mindful of the “Peter Principle”, it is your responsibility as a positude leader to be preventative and proactive in support of your recently promoted staff.


Is Loyalty a Currency?

Is Loyalty a Currency?

Over the many years of coaching, mentoring and being coached and mentored, questions regarding loyalty come up frequently however answering these questions is not that easy.

Loyalty on its own is something that is admirable, appreciated by most and can lead to advancement.  However loyalty can also hold you back and potentially lead you down a path of compromising your own moral values and ethical standards.

By nature, I’m a loyal person to both those I work for and with. I do however use a red line theory to assess if my loyalty continues to be earned or is deserving. Once a person lies or cheats, I’m instantly more skeptical and will pull back to reassess. One can earn back that loyalty by recognizing and/or apologizing for misgivings. I’m certainly a believer in second chances however loyalty is not something that should be taken lightly or taken for granted.

Your loyalty needs to be assessed regularly to ensure it is truly a two-way street. It’s not always about them but is should be about us. Give and take, transparency through good and bad, critical feedback and celebrating successes are all vital components of a loyal relationship with both your boss, peers and subordinates.

The most important kind of loyalty is to your patients without compromise. Our patients should be at the center of our focus and deserving of a deeply committed workforce for their personal gain. Your patients will return on your investment and commitment by making your facility their choice to receive exceptional care from cradle to grave.

Just like your patients, leaders have options as well, loyalty is a strong asset but know when that loyalty is compromised or taken for granted.

Loyalty is earned and it certainly is a currency that can lead to greener pastures!


Serendipity does it really happen?

Serendipity does it really happen?

Looking for love in all the wrong places! I have searched all corners of the World but can’t find what I’m looking for. Only when I didn’t look, did it hit me squarely in the face, something that was meant to be, it was serendipity.

I think we all can relate to something like this in our personal lives albeit finding a husband, wife, or just a best friend.

Can it happen in your professional life as well? Simple answer would be “Of Course” and it does happen by chance on a regular basis.

If you go back into history, many medical discoveries were made not by design but by chance, an unintended side affect that cured diseases for which they had been searching but had not found one until now. Isn’t that the definition of serendipity?

In healthcare, although I suspect same holds through in many other industries, we tend to be somewhat predictable and conservative in our approaches. Creativity is thereby limited and in my opinion reduces the chances or finding valuable solutions you did not seek after.

If it is meant to be, it will be. However, allowing free thought and creativity in your solution approach to complex issues, sets your team up for greater success. It will also more likely spin off value not sought after because your team is not blinded or restricted in their approach.

If you sit idle or are too restricted in your approach, serendipity is unlikely to occur in your both personal and/or professional lives. Be mindful of the little things that are happening all around you each day, remain open minded to a potential solution and before you know it serendipity will have impacted you too.

Just don’t go searching for it!




Is accountability one of George Carlin’s “Seven Dirty Words”?

In most cases it might as well be. We often fail as leaders by not holding staff accountable to what is expected of them. This holds especially through for difficult and low performing employees.

High performers tend to be accountable to self, team and organization without much direction or need for redirection.

As leaders, we need to be accountable to high-performers in two ways;

  1.  We need to acknowledge their work ethic and likelihood of going above and beyond often.
  2. We need to build our own behavioral capacity to address low/middle performers out of respect for our high-performers.

I suggest that you do the following over the next few weeks to bring accountability to another level of performance by focusing on your own actions in regards to managing expectation of your staff members.

  1. Seek out your high performers and acknowledge to them that you have a propensity to go to them first to get the job done causing them additional stress. An apology might be in order for always going to them rather than holding low-performers accountable. Additional recognition might also be a great effort towards re-recruiting your most talented staff. Don’t take high performers for granted, they might not always be there for you in the future if you don’t treat them with utmost respect and feed their intrinsic values. You should meet with them at least quarterly to ensure that you meet their expectations.
  2. Seek out your middle performers and provide clarity in expectations by outlining very specific terms and measures. Draw them into the process and value their opinions. If possible, align them with a high performer. Middle performers tend to be influenced by both the low- and high performer. As their leader, it is your responsibility to inspire them to become next level performers. You will need to meet with your middle-performers as least monthly to ensure they stay on track.
  3. Seek out your low-performers, this is likely the most difficult task requiring your behavioral capacity to be on high alert. This is the conversation that most fail to have. I have seen it all too often and have fallen victim to this myself on numerous occasions.  It’s time to earn your paycheck, roll up your sleeves and build up the courage to have a difficult conversation. Approaching this as a Positude Leader, you will be in the mindset of “managing up” rather than “managing out”. I like to built a psychological contract with my low-performers by setting the expectation and outcome measures and then ask them how they are going to contribute in a measurable manner. Let them stew on it overnight and by morning have the second part of the conversation. Most often they will have selected a few things that they can do, if necessary, make minor adjustments and agree to their contribution. This is your first step in recovery however this will require weekly meeting to ensure staff member stays on track. Give it a try…. you can always start the “manage out” process if  it fails.

None of this matters if you are not accountable to self. Are you following through on your promises or performance expectations? Do a little soul-searching over the next week to see how you can be more accountable to yourself, team and organization.


The Power of Giving Back!

The Power of Giving Back!

I get a surge of energy each time I have an opportunity to give-back, its my kryptonite! Albeit when sharing information, coaching a team, mentoring a student or lecturing to an enthusiastic group of conference attendees.

Are you a giver or a taker? It says a lot about ones personality.

I’m a giver, sometimes to a default. It’s difficult to say “NO” which at times interferes with the balance of life, home, wife and kids. Over time, I have become more aware to allow for regular kryptonite fixes and maintain equilibrium with my loved ones at the same time.

If you sit back and reflect for just a moment, you will identify key moments in life where someone provided you with a moment of brilliance or just a suggestion in kind that allowed you to make advances.

Now, do some self inventory, are you giving back and sharing your experiences that will allow someone else to advance.

Giving back is a life line for both the giver and the receiver. The giver received gratitude even without spoken word and the receiver will have an opportunity to share what he/she just learned.

I had the great fortune to be part of a life saving effort when a seven-year old boy went into cardiac arrest and was clinically dead for nearly ten minutes. It truly was a miracle when his heart started beating once again. Spin forward 18 years, this little boy is now a Registered Nurse and giving back every day.

It’s not all about the money, its about the moments in life when one can make a difference in another life. It’s my kryptonite albeit when saving a life or mentoring one of my staff members. It’s equally powerful. I’m also eternally grateful for those who shared vital lessons in life with me over the years.

Giving back or paying it forward, its the right thing to do. I highly recommend it to you too!


Accountability….Why is it so difficult?

Accountability….Why is it so difficult?
It might as well be dirty word, a vernacular that should not be used in a place of business. This seems to be the sentiment of most employees. The general feeling is that accountability is a variable at best or elusive for most.
Holding yourself accountable or being accountable is tightly linked to your behavioral capacity to confront lack of accountability. It makes for uncomfortable moments when you have to discuss failure to account or accomplish a defined expectation. Most of us will avoid confrontation by all means instead be passive aggressive or just ignore it all together.
Each time we fail to account as leaders, we lose the opportunity to learn and advance. Instead we keep the wheels spinning without moving an inch. In actuality, we are taking steps backwards each time especially with employees who are self-accountable and likely your high performers. It actuality, your credibility (refer to blog 4/22/2017) is at stake each time the right thing is not done.
How can we become accountable  in the workplace?
Let’s start by laying a foundation of clarity, by defining your expectations including the consequences for non-performance together with your staff member. Such a conversation will be easy with self starters and high performers however you will have your hands full with both the middle and low performers.
One fact is known about the human race, we are most likely to produce if we set the expectations ourselves. Therefor, as a leader, your job is to bring into context the larger objective and work with your staff member to develop what he/she is going to contribute. By setting the outcome goal and allowing this employee to define how he/she is going to contribute to accomplishing this goal, you are building a psychological contract that is more likely to get you the desired results.
Lastly, depending on the level of team member, you will need to have accountability check-ins to ensure that they remain on track to be accountable.
None of this will work unless you as a leader learn to provide constructive feedback and make time to be accountable yourself.
Accountability is not about punishment but rather about performance. Too much time is spent in contemplation and not enough time in holding open discussion and finding ways to be accountable and successful together.



What makes some one a credible person?

Is it just trust or is it much more? I would argue it is much more than simply trusting someone, It goes deeper, further, wider and it actually results into something.

It’s like building a house, its starts on a foundation of trust however once the walls go up, a roof is placed and interior is decorated, the builder/designer/decorator have gained credibility.

It’s no different in the work place and one needs to be careful to separate trustworthiness and credibility until the point of result at which  you can be a believer.

Trustworthiness, Credibility, Integrity, Believability, Tenability, Probability, Feasibility, Likelihood and Credence are therefore foundational in building Positude relationships with your peers in the workplace.

We all know what happens once a house is build on a shaky foundation, its just a matter of time before it all comes tumbling down.

Therefor your own credibility is something of paramount importance and needs to reassessed frequently and not only by looking into a mirror asking oneself. Using a 360 tool will provide you insight from above, below and your peers. Make appropriate adjustments after validation to ensure that your street credibility remains intact.

As a leaders, we are tasked to inspire and lead through context not control, therefor credibility is of utmost importance.


Who’s living RENT FREE in your head?

Who’s living RENT FREE in your head?

Its time for Spring Clean-Up!

The Sun is still rising from the East,  slightly higher in the skies, allowing the temperature to rise slowly to the point that everything around us comes alive once again.

It is also a perfect time for your semi-annual clean-up and I don’t mean just cleaning out the closets, putting away your winter cloths or deciding if you still fit in or look cool in the previous year summer wear.

It is time to find clarity in your professional & personal relationships by assessing who has been living RENT FREE in your head. Living with resentment, anger or dysfunction in your relationships, is like living in a house full of clutter.

Take a few basic steps to sort out your current partnership level with key players in your life by categorizing them into four levels;

  1. Synergistic
  2. Integrated
  3. Compatible
  4. Dysfunctional

Those who have been living RENT FREE in your head are likely the ones that you need to have synergism however you are at best compatible or dysfunctional at this time.

Your first step to recovery is to admit that something is not quite right and to be introspective to ones own behavior in the relationship before approaching the other party to sort things out. Ignoring the issues and allowing one to live RENT FREE in ones head will lead to an episode of “Hoarder” on the Discovery Channel.

Assess your current relationship, determine what the right level of relationship you should have and start developing an action plan to close the gap.

Be the grown up always, take that first step towards recovery by reaching out and conduct an active feedback session which will require you both to intently listen as well as being very specific in your concern statement with clear examples of dysfunction.

Maintain mutual respect and teacheability at all times… aim for a common bond and common understanding to get back to the desired level of functionality.

At the end of the day, you will feel much better and even lighter in your shoes. Clearing up dysfunction, resentment or a simple misunderstanding will lead to a brighter future.

Just remember that all vital relationships need regular maintenance and its best not to wait until it falls into dysfunction before addressing the issues head-on.

Don’t let anybody live RENT FREE in your head for any longer than absolutely necessary.
